This dream foretells that your hopes will not come true. When you are abnormal in the dream, it means that the environment considers your behavior strange, you need to stand up to others.
Dream meaning abnormality
When in a dream you see someone who behaves abnormally, it is a sign that you envy someone’s freedom of conduct, however, consider whether rightly, whether such a life path would certainly suit your needs.
A dream about a degenerate indicates suppressed fears and anger related to our life situation. On a daily basis, we do not show after ourselves that we are not quite happy, overburdened with responsibilities, or unappreciated, but all this has an outlet in our dreams.
The meaning of dreaming abnormally in other cultures and Dreambooks:
Mystic Dreambook Abnormal
The dream of degeneracy, immoral behavior, or inflicting pain on others has its roots in our suppressed and inwardly directed aggression and bitterness. It is an expression of the inner struggle against the dark side of our nature to be a good and honest person.
When you are a degenerate in your dream, it is a sign that you are forcing your surroundings to obey you and not necessarily to everyone’s liking.
When in a dream you see a degenerate or a person behaving abnormally, it’s a sign that you don’t know how to deal with strong people.
If in a dream you argue with a degenerate, it means that in real life you should not give up your reasons.