Association: – Solution, access. Question: – Which problem is I to be solved ready?
In general:
In dreams keys often appear. They show new settings, fresh thoughts and feelings which can enclose recollections, experiences and knowledge which the person has hidden before from himself. If in a dream a key alliance seems, this is a tip that the dreaming must open his whole personality for new experiences. Key can embody reason and logic with which one overcomes obstacles. As a phallic symbol he sometimes expresses sexual needs.
Keys and castle stand as symbols for man and woman, for union, but also for the frigidity and the protective need of the woman. In former times it was handed to the king of the keys to the town than present, this also happened with the claim that he protects this town. If something is closed in the dream, it can be reached only with the suitable key. The revelation symbolism of the key arises from this picture. With the key the dreaming maybe reaches in areas unknown still up to now of his psyche. Hence, the key as a vision can also announce a personality development. The vision often circumscribes a puzzling matter or a secret to which we search the key, – who loses him, will never find out. If a key gets lost to us in the dream, is valid also as a tip to make end, finally, with own secretiveness. To Artemidoros he means that one has found the key as the heart of a person who is worth of our love. In other connection the key is also valid than warning before a planned trip or conversion, because at the moment everything speaks against a local change or a change of our present life style. If the dreaming has the impression to have got in captivity, the key can appear to the freedom often like by magic hand. In himself the person carries many solutions for his problems on himself. A symbol, as the key shows one in the dream, can be the trigger which fetches back the dreaming again on the ground of the facts and his ability to work solutions, releases.
At the spiritual level a key in the dream can show the need of the dreaming for freeing from an incriminating situation and then get going a positive movement. Silver and golden keys symbolise temporarily spiritual power.
A key to which one looks in the dream means to a marrying, he will get a loyal and haushälterische woman, and he promises to a man who wants to buy a slave, a servant who will mean it well with him. He prevents a trip because it is the symbol of the Verriegelung and the custody. He serves not for opening, but for closing of the door, because, otherwise, one needs neither key nor door. If no caretaker is however there, keys and close doors are necessary. Consistently it is for those an obstacle which want to go on travelling, – for the people, however, who are ready to take over a supervisor’s velvet or to administer foreign possession it is the symbol of the trust. It dreams somebody who was on travelling abroad, he has lost his house key. Home returned, he found his daughter enticed, – the dream face said him as it were that the relations are not at home in order.
- see or have: are involved in confidential matters or attain explanation about this,
- forge: a happy relation will be disturbed,
- shop: the love cannot be forced,
- in the hand: you are sure to your thing,
- lose: informal disputes will annoy you, – you find no understanding, – also: an opportunity miss,
- find: are released from an embarrassment, – want to fathom the secret of another, – also: you have a new plan, – also: a new chance for occupation or in the love,
- lift: one sends you a dear message,
- are in the castle: quick profit,
- unlock with it something: in useful manner act, – also: lets dangerous adventures fear to which one better steps aside,
- doors with it open: you will come to suspicion,
- look: you have no order in your work, – also: you want to settle a quarrel,
- zusammenlesen: Profit,
- give away: you are careless and have loss,
(European ones).:
- is also to be understood erotically, as an instrument in the key hole etc.,-: means unexpected changes,
- see: points to a secret or a riddle solution,
- an overabundant one: if luck promises in the domestic life,
- lose: one will not come behind a thing which one would like to find out with pleasure, – there follow disagreeable adventures, – by own inattentiveness one will miss a good matter,
- moved or lost do not find again: if means missing secret intentions,
- find a foreign one: one will come behind the secret of another,
- look: concludes by secrecy,
- find the own: if the exposure of concealed, – care means that no plans or intentions will reveal by clumsiness, – shops will run off peacefully and successfully,
- a broken one: indicates at separation by death or jealousy,
- open a little bit with it: sends a reminder to the care, one should not get involved in a dangerous adventure,
- Dreaming a young woman that she does not find the key for a piece of jewellery any more will have them problems with her partner and suffer from it.
- Seeing unbosom themselves a woman a door, a new lover stands in the house which she can trust.
- concludes a woman a door, she will succeed with a choice of a husband.
- gives away a woman a key, she will damage herself by rash words.
- find: you will remove your competitor,
- have: now, finally, after long trouble you will reach to your aim,
- forge: your relation will be disturbed,
- lose: you will emigrate in the next time.
I was sitting in the car someone tried to take my purse and keys of their but I got it back