Association: – Patience play, – crazy garden. Question: – Which complicated problems is I to be solved ready?
The picture of the labyrinth is a very old archetypal symbol. It is a picture for the Triebhaftigkeit to which the dreaming finds no deliberate way. Mental ‘in the Crazy walking’ is indicated here, ‘do not know any more still from’. Labyrinth (crazy garden) expresses the Irrungen and confusion of the life which stands to the luck in the way, – then one must intensely try to reach by self-knowledge to the clear orientation, to walk on a geradlinigeren life. At a purely practical level the labyrinth or the crazy garden in the dream asks the dreaming to investigate the concealed side of his personality. It is with his dead ends and bends a very expressive symbol for the human being. In addition, the crazy garden embodies confused feelings and images or conflicting needs and opinions. On the way by this jungle the dreaming discovers his courage and his talent to solve problems to argue with fears and doubts to face only afterwards his shade. Also getting lost in a foreign town or in streets and cellar rooms is often to be found in the dream and is felt by the dreaming as very disagreeable. Who happily finds out of the crazy garden, a bad time has brought behind itself. Of the labyrinth it is not dreamt at all so seldom how one may maybe accept. It can point, by the way, sometimes to a spiritual-mental aberration, on secret love to a person whom she has not earned according to opinion of our people.
At the spiritual level the labyrinth or the crazy garden in the dream calls in general the life of the person or the way to the divine. It shows the human life with all his check, delays and complications.
- see: one wants to deceive you,
- hineingeraten: one has to suffer from the impression of the past experiences and will have to solve in close future some problems,
- get lost in it and again do not come out: a protracted process approaches you,
- find out after long wandering around again: you will have to solve difficult things.
(European ones).:
- see: if the disclosure of a secret tells in, – also: one is involved in difficult and bewildering business matters, – your woman will make the domestic sphere intolerable, – children and darlings turn out as intolerable,
- are in one: if fear and worries announces, also one will reveal secrets,
- in the labyrinth of the darkness are: one will experience temporarily painful illness and grief,
- from green shoots and wood: ostensible loss and desperation will turn out as a luck,
- from rails: promises long trips, – one hits on interesting people, but one will earn no financial profits,
- get lost in one: own secrets or aberrations will lead to doubtful situations, – also: there is the danger to be dominated by a frank friend,
- find out of one: find out of the difficulties happily,
- have got lost: you will not be released from your need so fast,
- find the exit: you will remove all obstacles.