

dream oasisAssociation: – Shelter site and place of the relaxation. Question: – Where in my life I look for a sanctum?

In general:

For most people an oasis is a sanctuary in the desert. Because of the connection with water the oasis becomes in the dream a place at which the dreaming receives every refreshment which he wishes emotionally. Oasis can warn about the disregard of feelings from which one should scoop strength and energy. If one leaves them, difficult times approach.


If an oasis appears in the dream, it can have the different meanings which arise from the whole connection. The oasis can simply be a recollection of a trip or express wanderlust. Sometimes she also appears as a way out from a difficult situation suddenly in the dream where one should allow himself the well-earned rest first of all. If people are in trouble, they need a place at which they express themselves in which they can come again to forces and develop her problem coping abilities. An oasis can show such a place in the dream, particularly if the dreaming has got lost. In this case the oasis in the dream symbolises a protective space. However, it can also be that the dreaming after his life has run longer time relatively monotonously, interesting and new impressions and feelings has won which appear then in the dream in the picture of the oasis. Who leaves the oasis in the dream, could return after a time of the rest and the meditation in a world of full hostility or search an adventure maybe also at all costs.


At the spiritual level the oasis in the dream shows a refreshment. At the same time she stands for the ideas to escape from old distress.



  • see or enter: completely leave, but not be absolutely unhappy, – in spite of unfavorable relations you will gain success, – also: you have many enemies, but a sure state, – one can wear to you nothing,
  • find: one has come too briefly and longs for fulfilment.


  • a good omen: They will reach success and satisfaction if you prove permanence. They are on the right way. And the break at the right time is a part of the achievement.

(European ones).:

  • see one: if a holiday’s joy, vacation trip or other Ausspannung promises, – a pleasant home promises, – Li> brings to the undemanding joy and luck,
  • in a desert find one: many of the wishes have not come true, – one has come in the life too briefly, but one should not surrender,
  • are in one: Not to give the discount admonition, in a work, – also: one will receive help from others in the coming difficulties, – friendship will prove themselves in this manner,
  • leave one to start march in the desert: a heavy way approaches.


  • see: happy success in your enterprises,
  • are in it: you are pressed and know at the moment no advice, Li> quickly acts,
  • with palms: the remorse comes too late,
  • with water: it needs everything his time, does not despair,
  • with camels: you will achieve your aim,
  • with travellers: you can speak of luck, your shops will turn to your advantage,
  • without water: the fight of the life makes you not mellow,
  • must live in her: Loneliness.

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Dream interpretation and meaning : Oasis

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