With him we give ourselves up to a job. The responsibility for others comes to the fore. Who files him in the dream, moreover, would like to be reliable and strong-minded. Also: To keep to decision, to a promise. Oath often also registers that one has brought himself in difficulties which can be settled only by complete honesty and the admission of own guilt again. The perjury warns in the dream about unlawful machinations with which one wants to stretch from the affair, because they are probably exposed and then damage even more.
- see swearing: forthcoming and complicated processes will disturb you,
- swear: good new friends for long time can win, – positive exit in an issue,
- must swear: one will be got involved in processes and deception affairs.
(European ones).:
- indicates perhaps a process. If such a dream is maybe caused by the fact that one has received summons to the court and dreams then as a result of excitement of having to perform an oath, one might add to this dream no meaning because moreover more or less a crass influencing of the soul has been given,
- file a perjury: warns about big misfortune, – one is involved in a process, – the attempt to want to solve difficulties with not quite ethical means
- on something swear: must appear to quarrel and quarrel,
- put away to the rescue of the innocence: unexpected inheritance,
- perform a wrong one: one would like to get rid of a disagreeable thing on unlawful way,
- of an another to save even before an unfavorable judgment: one has good friends who will help for one in a difficult situation,
- of a confederation belong or see such or get to know: the political involvement by which one will have a lot of damage.