The person exists of the most different personality aspects which must play together harmoniously, so that he also functions optimally. If a dream of an orchestra acts, this symbolises as the dreaming can join his different characteristics to a closed whole. Orchestra points to internal harmony in which to each other reluctant psychic contents were reconciled, submit to the big whole (personality).
Where in the dream an orchestra plays, the feelings strive for harmony, the harmony is protected in the informal or intimate area. The dreaming wants to ‘orchestrate’ his life, this means that he wants to put into action his theoretical knowledge and step for this purpose in action. In this manner he gets hearing and is understood by his people. If the dreaming directs an orchestra, this is a sign for his leadership qualities or he would like to force his luck in this connection. If he is a member of an orchestra, he sees himself as a part of a bigger whole and longs for more harmony, for the people to which one may feel completely linked. The cooperation with other people will turn out than extremely fertile. Orchestra dreams or music dreams are to be interpreted generally positively, because they hardly know tonal disharmonies.
At this level the orchestra in the dream symbolises harmoniously carried out actions.
- see: unforeseen disturbances of the everyday life approach,
- hear: you will read a paper,
- play even in one: being close people expect from one an attention overdue for a long time.
(European ones).:
- see: points to the participation in a bigger event,
- help in one or direct it: one will enter into an organisation or create even one, – also: if promises pleasant entertainment, – your treasure will be reliable and cultured,
- hear harmonious orchestra music: one will be always very liked because of his high human qualities, – unlimited success on the whole line is sure to one,
- hear dissonant orchestra music: it will come among the colleagues to conflicts