

dream packageAssociation: – Expectation, – secret. Question: – What do I look for? What do I fear to find?

In general:

If the dreaming receives a package in his dream, an experience or an experience is called to him in the consciousness with which he has not dealt up to now yet enough. If he himself sends a package or package, he sends his energy in the world out. Package can indicate also edged out sexual needs which must be made fully deliberate. An empty package announces bad news and losses.


This vision stands for pleasant as well as disagreeable messages from the subconsciousness. Mostly believed events or feelings step long ago forgotten again to the dreaming near. However, it can also concern unused abilities or chances. Importantly for the dream interpretation it are beside the whole dream action the contents of the package and the sensations of the dreaming concerning the package. Packages or packages in the dream can also show presents which the dreaming receives from other people. As a rule it is important who gives him the present whether it turns white to him directly from the concerning person handed or whether he merely who is the giver. From meaning is also whether the dreaming is glad about the present. The packages which one on the trip sends are the good thoughts of a person whom one have with pleasure around himself and to which one would like to give to himself maybe even with pleasure himself. Who receives a package, has, perhaps, a friend with whom he does not know yet so surely when what will turn out he. Also sexual is packed in this symbol. Who must carry, however, heavy packages, has to master problems in the family circle.


At the spiritual level packages and packages can refer to a potential or to presents and abilities.



  • see: one will shower you with works,
  • carry: new grief and worries weeks expect you,
  • receive, in general: important news, – a secret is entrusted with you,
  • receive a full one: announces a quick visit or an unexpected present,
  • full, heavy to one is blocked: one may be glad about a surprise which is from big use,
  • receive the empty: disagreeable news, – joyless surprise, – one will experience a disappointment,
  • receive a damaged one: points to an unsafe mental situation in an important matter,
  • open: One wants to encumber you with new duties. Take over them when you exactly know about what it is,
  • make: loyal friendship is sure to you,
  • send: happy surprise, – also: you push away disagreeable of yourself, with it you do not undo it,
  • with money: you will go on a trip, – big profit in the play is to be expected.

(European ones).:

  • always suggests itself a sexual interpretation and the kind of the package matters,
  • see: The greater the package, the disappointed is one,
  • one carry: if a disagreeable job announces,
  • on the way drop to the post: a certain thing will miss,
  • send: indicates at a happy surprise,
  • receive: arranged to an important trip, – Li> means good shops,
  • conceive by post: one will take pleasure about the return of a friend or a nice present,
  • one open: it is a good sign, – one will find out something important,
  • get the empty: bad shops, – one will experience disappointments,
  • receive a full package: one will experience a surprise which are at the same time useful for one,
  • with gold: if honour and wealth,
  • promises

  • hold a small package in the hand: if brings nuisance about a disregard.

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One Response for Package dream symbol

  1. ruth bailey

Dream interpretation and meaning : Package

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