

dream saladSalad is interpreted like vegetables, above all as a symbol of the vitality. Closed salad stands for sexual and other propelling needs. Almost the whole food in the dream stands with the human basic need for food in connection. Above all with the salad his colour is important and also his state. Maybe the dreaming lacks certain nutrients or charms, and the dream draws the attention of him to it. Maybe the dreaming should not look with priority after the things which mature in him and to himself with the dead things outside from him.


The single ingredients of a salad can matter. If the dreaming does not like the offered salad, he should consider whether he rejects the whole court or only single components. If the dreaming has prepared the salad for another person in his dream, a certain personality portion maybe needs more attention than the rest. Although this vegetable kind has a male article with us, it is defined as a dream symbol female. The men who eat salad are persuaded in the awake life of the fact that they could get every woman as a Gespielen, one says. Who plants the salad in lining up and limb, a little bit more order would maybe like to bring in his sex life. Wilted salad (‘There we have the salad!’) can conclude by coming to an end friendship. However, here and there the salad plants which we see in the dream also circumscribe our joy in the easy life.


Because salad is a food in the easiest sense, he leads the dreaming back to the nature and to the easy values.



  • see: one will worry to himself about the own or the state of health of other people, – it is aware to one that one can also lose his vitality and strength, – on account of an adequate life-style: one is immediately before a hard check in which one must use his whole energy,
  • place: you expect a small present,
  • pick: your claims are give,
  • eat: Health and glad mood,
  • salad patch: your work yields no profit, however, to a lot of joy.

(European ones).:

  • resembles meaning like vegetables, – lanky salad is to be understood sexually,
  • see: promises better income, – own abilities will protect the advancement,
  • prepare or eat: if luck brings after hard check by a careful housewife, – one should direct his attention upon a careful household where the success and the well-being rest,
  • see a big bowl completely salad: one should prepare for a certain check very well, otherwise one gets in bad embarrassment,
  • get senior and may not: if an illness, a suffering or other obstacles registers in the life,
  • see lanky salad in the open land: it become apparent sexual needs in the open land,
  • more freshly green salad: one will be able to be glad after a small Unerfreulichkeit about a desired advantage,
  • pick green salad: one is excessively sensitive, and own jealousy prepares for limitless pain and tortures,
  • buy green salad: indicates to challenge own setting,
  • eat green salad: an illness or petty jealousy will position itself between one and the life partner,
  • If a young woman green salad sows, she herself will be responsible for an illness or her early death.
  • this is

  • prepared a young woman salad to, a sign for the fact that her lovers become unstable and cantankerous.


  • eat: light illness,
  • sow: you have a lot of daring,
  • wash: you become a good housewife.

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