

dream spiceSpice mostly indicates that one should bring more change and joy in the life which must break through everyday routine. The symbol sometimes also warns about adventures. Moreover: Everything in taste sharp symbolises Überreizung, extravagance, excessive pleasures and violent passion – everything what ‘stirs up’.


If they are not due to flavorful charms, her sharpness points to psychic irritability or to the belligerence of that which tastes them in the dream. They can also give instructions to the fact that one should give more attention to a certain person or a just upcoming matter.



  • comfort. Your work becomes more interesting and more successful.

(European ones).:

  • see: meant profit and joy,
  • see a spice: possibly one will ruin from hedonism his call,
  • If a young woman in the dream spice eats, she is deceived towards outward appearances.


  • one will embarass you.

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  1. SRP

Dream interpretation and meaning : Spice(s)

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