

dream tearAssociation: – Learning, – discipline. Question: – What want I to know?

In general:

For most people the teacher is the first authority’s person whom they meet beyond the family. Teachers have radical influence on the children, and many people also dream after end of her school hours still of her teachers. A teacher can bring on conflicts if his views are absolutely different as that which the child gets from home. Such conflicts must be maybe solved during later years with the help of dreams. Teacher can ask to recognise himself better or to collect more information in a matter. Now and then he announces problems or warns about know-it-all attitude. In the dream known or unknown teachers often appear to the dreaming still from his youth. They point out to the fact that the school of the life continues lifelong and give to the dreaming as yet apprenticeships which this should take seriously and obey, because the teacher has in the dream mostly a helpful mental job. The apprenticeships of the teachers appearing in the dream often refer to behaviour patterns which the dreaming neglects in the awake state. An actual problem can be often solved by following these apprenticeships.


As such it is an archetypal figure of the authority, he is sometimes a wise man whose road instruction we often do not follow because we simply lack the strength, then again own father, the policeman, the boss or the old man whose opinion we should adopt. Often also simply the unconscious which wants to teach us of a better. If the dreaming looks for guidance, can appear Animus or Anima in the dream as a teacher. These countersexual figures often take over the role of the headmaster (somebody who knows it ‘better’). If not a respect from the school hours is given, the teachers are in man’s dreams appear, mostly male gender. If a teacher seems in the dream, the things differently lie: Teachers can point to buried sadistic or masochistic trains. Maybe it would not be so disagreeable to the dreamer at all, he would become strictly speaking. Or he has himself the need to punish somebody. Nevertheless, the teacher mostly warns about a hopeless situation, wants to show us a usual way. If the teacher is especially strict in the dream, the situation is very serious in the guard. Often one can look in the dream also by a known or unknown teacher in the notebook, then it is probably disclosed in the awake life what one would like to hide with pleasure. Already the old Egyptians meant who sees a teacher in the dream, it is warned about carelessness. In exam dreams he is most, by the way, only one edge figure to give a frame to the vision.


A spiritual teacher appears in the dream or in the life of a person if this is ready for it. There is the expression, ‘If the schoolboy is ready, the teacher’ comes. Often the spiritual teacher does not accept the role of the old manners or the wise old woman who is measured for the understanding of the dreaming.



  • see or speak: reprimands, rebukes and reproaches expect you by the carelessness which would also bring big losses with itself – also: one gives instructions in the work to you.
  • with one speak: high time, problems which one has neglected is to be done.

(European ones).:

  • one goes towards to a check and doubts whether one makes everything right,
  • see: Warning before rash and careless actions,
  • operate with him: one will take pleasure and use in the study of a problem,
  • with one speak: it is high time to clear old, unfinished problems,
  • are taught: Irritation about little things,
  • teach something: Invitation for a solemnity,
  • be: one wants to know everything better than others, – also: one will achieve the desired success with literary or other works.


  • see: you behave every now and then like a gate, – is not careless,
  • speak: you planned to separate from a beloved person.

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