

dream wallAssociation: – Barrier, – defence, – separation. Question: – What is I to be integrated ready? Where do I need the separate being? What is the separate being? What is on the other side?


Wall stands sometimes for the need for security, however, can point out also to the fact that one is limited in the selfdevelopment. More often invincible obstacles and difficulties also appear in it against which one runs in vain, – this can be due to the fact that one tries to solve them in wrong manner.


Everything what surrounds us personally has the same meaning, e.g., a garment, a house, a wall and similar more. It dreamt to one, his garment has torn in two in the middle. His house collapsed, – then what surrounded him, offered no firmness.



  • in general: your position does not let itself long holds,
  • stand suddenly before one: One must make himself calm on invincible obstacles which oppose the sighting. It would not be clever to run against it.
  • stand before one: one should reflect on the fact that one in all things do not keep right and his images can realise, – one should estimate his possibilities more realistically, – obstacles tower up,
  • climb: in spite of difficulties you achieve your aim,
  • are based: you have quarrel with your love,
  • collapses: all obstacles are removed, success,

(European ones).:

  • is valid as an unexceedable obstacle, – one will not be able to reach something striven after,


  • see: there are there almost invincible obstacles,
  • Spanish ones: you will soon investigate the truth.

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